How to put songs on iPhone as ringtone

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You downloaded a song from the Internet, would you like to set it as a ringtone on your “iPhone” but you don’t know how to do it? Don’t worry, I can help you if you want.

put songs on iPhone ringtone

There are several ways to put a song as a ringtone on the iPhone: You can open the official iTunes store and buy ready-to-use ringtones or, if you wish, you can pick up a song downloaded from the Internet, You can import it into the i-Tunes library and convert it into a ringtone compatible with your “Melafino”. . This is not a process that requires special skills, in fact, I would say it is a bit within reach of everyone. You can do this even when you are first experienced with Apple products, I promise!

Itunes store

Let’s start with the basics, that is, how to buy ringtones in the iTunes store, Apple’s digital store. To purchase a ringtone on the iPhone, log in by pressing the Music Note icon (with a purple background) located on the iTunes Store home screen and select the tab from the screen that opens.

At this point, locate the song you want to download and select yours. Cover to listen to a streaming preview. If you are confident, press the button Price that is next to the title of the ringtone and confirm the purchase of playing the item “song” Buy the song Split

Ringtones can be navigated according to several criteria: popularity, musical style, publication date and more. To locate them according to their degree of popularity, select the tab. The standing table is located at the top, to locate them according to the musical style in which they select the element. To view by item, press the item View Everything is located next to Writing Tones (in the center of the screen). In the menu that opens, you can choose to show the ringtone Primer Piso, recently published (release date) or you can search them alphabetically (name by selecting tab).

The ringtone prices are equivalent to 1,29 Euroleuk but they are also available on iTunes store, which can be used as notification sounds, which cost 99 cents each.

Import songs from computer (Windows / Mac)

Want to put a song as a ringtone on iPhone to import it directly from computer? No problem you can use iTunes, which allows you to convert any song to iPhone ringtone and synchronize it with “Melafoneno” in case of a click. Here is a description of all the steps that you should follow.

Import the song you want to convert to a ringtone in the iTunes library. If you don’t know how to do this, just go to the section Concert (music note icon located in the upper left) and drag the song later. All major audio file formats are supported;

Right click on the song title to change it to ringtone and select voice from the menu that appears;

In the window that opens, select the tab option, place a check mark next to the elements Begin y Last and type, in the appropriate text field, the start and end point of the ringtone you want to create. The duration should be 30-40 seconds maximum. When the operation is complete, press the button OK;

Now you need to make a version of the song in AAC format (ringtone format for iPhone). Then select the song you have “cut”, go to the menu File> Convert iTunes and click on the item Create AAC Version. Apple music synchronized songs through a computer cannot convert them into ringtones because they are protected by DRM. Instead, conversion is possible for songs purchased individually from the iTunes Store.

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