Top 10 Mahashivratri Special Ringtone Download
Shivratri Ringtone
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Mahashivratri Ringtone
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Mahashivratri is a Hindu festival that is celebrated annually in honor of Lord Shiva, one of the principal deities in Hinduism. The word “Mahashivratri” translates to “the Great Night of Shiva” and the festival is observed on the 14th day of the dark fortnight of the Hindu month of Phalguna (which usually falls in late February or early March).
On Mahashivratri, devotees of Lord Shiva observe fasts and visit Shiva temples to offer prayers and perform special rituals. They also chant mantras, perform aarti (worship with light), and offer milk, honey, flowers, and other offerings to Lord Shiva’s idol. Some also observe a night-long vigil, singing hymns and devotional songs in praise of Lord Shiva.
The festival has various mythological and historical significance, with different beliefs and stories associated with it. It is believed that on Mahashivratri, Lord Shiva performed the cosmic dance of creation, preservation, and destruction. It is also believed to mark the day when Lord Shiva married Goddess Parvati. Shivratri Ringtone
Mahashivratri is celebrated across India and in other countries with significant Hindu populations. It is considered one of the most significant festivals in Hinduism, and is a time for introspection, purification, and spiritual growth.